Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Geofilters: Seriously, they're incredible.

Snapchat has done it again, as soon as we think they've come with all the good ideas possible- they make one better.
This being, geofilters. Now anyone, whoever you are, can make their own personalized geofilter for a limited amount of days over a limited area. This is their YouTube advertising campaign:
 Now Snapchat is aiming this advertising at normal, everyday users of Snapchat. However, when I had a look at it and how it works I discovered that in order to make a geofilter cover the size of my block of land at home for 24 hours, it would cost over US$1,000. I'm not sure about others, but this is well out of my price range for a birthday party- especially when there is limited phone coverage over the area. However, if I were holding an established, commercial event it would be a fantastic accompaniment to help with the marketing and advertising for it.
For example, an event covering Victoria Square in Adelaide over a weekend, would only cost US$500 which in my opinion, is a pretty good investment for the amount over Snapchat coverage you would receive. Especially if the event was aimed at young adults- the main users of Snapchat.
And it is surprisingly easy to create! All you need to do is create your graphic, select the area and time you want the geofilter to be available and viola. Instant (almost) and very cheap marketing!

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