Monday, 11 April 2016

The WWF #LastSelfie Campaign

Early last year the Danish branch of WWF conducted what was arguably one the of the best marketing campaigns seen on Snapchat. The #Lastselfie campaign involved taking full advantage of the fleeting nature of Snaps in order to highlight the rapidly diminishing numbers of so many endangered animals lives.
The Snaps featured 5 endangered animals all sending the same message; 'Don't let this be my last selfie' as the image slowly faded away into darkness. Each image offered the viewers the opportunity to share the campaign with friends, adopt an animal or donate over text message.
WWF reached their donation target for the entire month in just 3 days and over 120 million twitter timelines were reached with the campaign. This meant that 50% of all twitter users were exposed to this innovative, beautiful video (which, by the way is absolutely incredible! Absolutely no one reaches 50% of all Twitter feeds without being the Kardashians or Obama!):

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